Morphogenic Field Technique

What if you could naturally restore the health and vitality of your body by providing it with the exact nutrients that are needed?

What if you could “match” the energy signature of your personal energy field with the energy signature of the correct nutritional protocol to get this goal accomplished?

Incredibly, improved nutritional health is made possible by the “information” available through your own body’s “energy signal” that is constantly being emitted. Physicists and other scientists know that everything in the universe has it own unique “energy signature”— you have a field of energy around your body. Some people call it an “aura”—we call it the Morphogenic Field because it can be used to help your body to grow and change in healthy ways.

The energy signature of most objects is “constant”. However, the energy signature of living organisms (like you) can be very dynamic, based upon a number of environmental factors. For example, the energy signature of a rock is constant. In plants and animals, the energy signature can vary based upon the available water or other nutrients that the life form consumes daily. Humans have a very dynamic, changing (morphing) energy field based upon their diet. In MFT, this is the “M-Field” and it can be objectively measured.

If you apply this energy field concept to Natural Health Care, it is possible to match the energy signature of the food that you consume to the current needs of the body.

Most patients consult a healthcare provider for one reason:  they have a health concern and they are searching for the practitioner who can solve their problem. Practitioners who use MFT know from experience that diet is the #1 factor in total health. Every day, you must have the “raw materials” needed on that day to rebuild every cell that is being “turned over”–30-70 billion of them per day! Many degenerative conditions and diseases can be the result of poor dietary habits over years.

In spite of the claims made in TV and media commercials, there is no one diet plan that is right for everybody. You are unique. Your dietary needs are unique, too. MFT specializes in creating a diet and supplement plan that is customized to your own unique energy signature (M-Field).

The real answer to health comes in the form of unadulterated organic whole food and supplements derived from organic whole food. The power of nutritional healing is magnified when it is matched to the individual. This is difficult to achieve in our busy, commercialized world. We see endless promotions for fast food, junk food, and media “lies” that imply that a food product is “healthy” when, in reality, it is NOT. The current health crisis in America is the result!

We know, from years of clinical success, that patients who are constantly tired, in pain, or otherwise symptomatic, have very “small” or unbalanced energy fields / M-Fields. Conversely, people who are symptom-free and full of energy have very “large” and balanced M-Fields;

Using MFT procedures, your health care provider can gauge the “quality” of your energy field. With the information derived from the use of the MFT Testing Procedure, your practitioner can design dietary changes and whole food supplements that can “amplify” your M-Field. Over time, as you begin creating new cells and tissues with optimum nutrition, your enlarged M-Field can move you in the direction of improved overall health.

Your MFT nutrition protocol will match only you! We always customize the program to amplify your M-Field. You do not conform to us. We conform to you! MFT is truly a “revolution” in modern nutritional healing!